Monday, July 19, 2010

A Major Pause

I have clearly neglected this blog for a long time for no good reason.

I attended the first course and very much enjoyed it. I felt SO enthused about it...SO ready to do it all...but in fact I didn't do much about it except tell everyone about it. :( Maybe overwhelmed with where to start? I did buy some materials-was excited about starting the physical program and the BITS of Intelligence-seemed like easy baby steps. But I did not...

In short, my daughter wasn't that interested after I finally got in gear to do the word strips again. I blame it on myself. It had been too long since I had done it-several months. I praised her quite a bit when she was doing well and she knew when she was doing well and felt good about it. Twice she guessed, (I never asked her to tell me the words-she just always like to say them). I just said the correct word--and she was not interested. The Doman's number 1 rule is to only do it if the child was interested. I didn't want to force it. I put it away and tried a few days later. She turned her head away. Sigh. I was sad because I DO believe in it. She KNEW she had forgotten material and was embarrassed about it, therefore not interested.

I'd highly recommend the course. For my next child I very much plan on implementing most if not all of it.


  1. That would be disappointing, but I'm glad you still are positive to his approach. I know you probably know, but since I just read like 4 of his books, I am in the knowledge mode, however not with much experience yet. What I have to say is more out of my curiosity. But, I am wondering though if you reviewed the words you had taught her before. In the most recent edition of "How to Teach your Baby to Read" he says to definitely not review old words taught, just start up again with new words, even if you took a long break (seems hard if you went through a lot of words and it'd be hard to get the motivation to make new cards since she won't learn again the cards you have). I don't know I'd have the motivation to do so myself.

    Also did you ever get to couplets? because that's where Doman says she would get the review if needed of single words but she won't think of it as not knowing something she already knew and forgot (if you just wrote couplets on new cards instead of using your single word cards to put couplets together she might see it as something new). Maybe, explain to her why she might have forgotten the other words, and tell her that if she starts again with new words and keeps learning to read without a break this time that she do great. Maybe not! Just a thought you might be interested. Hope I don't seem to be intruding on your experience.

  2. I just came across your blog by doing a search for Glenn Doman Method.
    I would love to hear more about your experiences using this method. Keep up the good work!
    We are homeschoolers, and I greatly support this method...need to get it in gear and make my cards.
    I have a 2mo, 2yo, 3yo & 5yo that I would like to work with on this method.
    Come by and visit us at:
